Artist Statement

My works came about through my desire to break free from traditional methods taught during school as an animation major and conventional animation techniques, which include narrative and realistic movement of characters. I prefer irregular movements and seek to create animation without clear narrative that does not follow conventional camera movement techniques either. As a result, I began creating animations that consist of overlapping images that simultaneously and continuously move.
There is a difference between simply ¡°drawing¡± these images and ¡°creating¡± moving images. Instead of starting from a sketch, my works arise from a combination of accumulated images that I construct. For instance, when creating a stone wall, I draw each individual stone one on top of the other until the entire wall exists within the computer screen, as if I were building an actual wall from real life.
When I first began making animations, I was driven by my interest in fast moving images and not as focused on the implied meaning or message behind my works. As I continued working, I realized there is an absence of direct communication among the characters in my work. The characters do not directly engage in interaction with one another, yet their movement within the shared space ironically reveals a relationship between all the characters. These relationships create a unique interactive narrative, which then allows the viewers to interpret their own narrative or message about my works. Through depicting images from everyday life and fusing them with various motions and speeds, my work constantly moves. Just like my rapidly moving animations, the life we live today is rapidly changing and consequently, we find ourselves trying to keep up with the fast pace.